Saturday, July 12, 2008

Running with Alcohol

Note to self: The next time you're running back to Casa make sure that
a) You're not holding a beer in one hand and
b) Its not raining.
Also, it doesn't help to be thinking about current source of butterflies in tummy, as possibility of stumbling over inert object on ground increases tenfold.

Thankfully, stumbling is all I'm doing. No serious falls yet.

I know, I know, none of this makes sense. I haven't written anything in a while. The past four weeks have been quite a blur. Seriously. This place just makes time fly and stand still at the same time. Still not making sense. I know. Just trust me when I say that six weeks at IAFT equates to roughly six months at Info. Things here happen so fast that if you blink - you just may miss something.
Concrete example? Yesterday I had to finish and present my MOS project rough cut to mentors. I then had to run over to help out with a friend's shoot. We wrapped at 5am and I had to be up by 8am to make it to the Learn Cebu trip.
Does this partially explain my surreal "blur"of a month?
And that's just the tip of the iceberg baby.... :)

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